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We can submit your insurance claims
Just pay the remaining balance
Laissez nous soumettre vos demandes de règlement
et payez seulement la différence!
Please print & sign the consent form below | Imprimez & remplissez le formulaire si-dessous
Télécharger Formulaire ( Français ) / Download Consent Form ( English )

Other qualified insurance companies include: Assurance vie Équitable | Avantage Maximum | Blue Cross | Canadian Construction Workers Union (C.C.W.U.) | CINUP | Canada Life | Coughlin & Associates Ltd. | D.A. Townley | Sunlife | GMS Carriers 49 and 50 (Express Scripts Canada) | GroupHEALTH | GroupSource | Johnston Group | La Corporation People | LiUNA Local 183 | LiUNA Local 506 | SécurIndemnité | Service d’assurance MDM | Simply Benefits | Telus Health | Union Benefits | UV Assurance
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